Sunday, June 17, 2012

Lost In Translation

Wow so I today I finally had to use those several years of Spanish Ive been afraid to roommate found two lost girls that were from Spain and she barely could speak Spanish and they only knew a few English words so for two hours I was their tour guide and translator along with this guy named Simon who was really good at Spanish and he told me I was better then I thought!


I could only imagine what they were going through...coming to Ireland to learn English from people with thick accents and for the majority of the locals Spanish isn't their second language. I thought it was super frustrating for me to get around in a place where people speak English but what if I was barely familiar with the language it would be chaos.

What was really funny was we went to the mall & there was a Subway sign and they thought their was an actual Subway Station in the mall. I explained to them it was a sandwich shop.

But now we have somewhere to stay if we go to Spain! lol

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