Friday, June 15, 2012

The Fourth Day Is A Charm

They always say the "third time is a charm", but I'm not sure if I believe that anymore. I'm not sure because yesterday (my fourth day in Ireland) was simply amazing. After finishing homework a group of us KU students headed to the City Centre (better known as downtown) to actually get a better feel for what downtown Dublin truly had to offer. We figured out which bus to hop on and off and found a really good pub called O' Doyles to watch the Euro Cup and get shelter from the rain. I've never been a  fan of professional soccer so it was interesting to see what the fuss was about.

 At 7 P.M we went to the Merchant's Arch where we were treated to dinner and music hosted by EUSA, the international internship program that places students with internships in Dublin. The music was provided by the Irish House Party, a band that plays traditional Irish music and dance in an intimate setting. I never thought I would be able to listen to live music without words...never will I say never again. The show was wonderful....afterwards we found the famous Temple Bar and watched Ireland Vs. Spain in the Euro Cup.

Sadly, Ireland lost but  that "fun, friendly,pride" environment along the streets that day made me feel like I was in Lawrence,Kansas during football or basketball season.

So I must say team spirit is universal. Yesterday was great!

My dinner fish & chips

Kelsey was the only brave soul at our table to try the corn was good!!!

Elyse, Becca & Lauren were so lost and confused!

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